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Your First 100 Days 

This programme is designed to help you hit the ground running in your new role and build the foundations of success from Day 1. 


Coaching provides an opportunity for self-enquiry as well as goal-setting. In this programme you’ll have the space to reflect on the mindsets, beliefs, patterns and behaviours that will drive you forward (or could hold you back) as well as strategies to achieve your personal and professional goals. 

Book a free 30 minute discovery call to find out more about how my ‘First 100 Days’ coaching programme could help you hit the ground running in your new role, and own your success from Day 1.

Download the Full Programme

Get more detail on each phase of the First 100 Days programme

My sessions with Lily helped me come up with strategies during a big transition time for me. She was brilliant at giving the structure of our conversation and gently explored values, motivations, and new insights with me. Thank you for being there with me at the start of my new journey!

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